You have questions? We have answers!


We hope you are able to join us for what will be a great night of fellowship, fun, and fundraising. Most importantly, it will be a time for us to get together. You don’t have to perform or donate to attend, it will be a great evening together and we hope you come!

Here are some FAQs

  • Where is this happening?

    In the Church sanctuary.

  • Is there a cost to attend?

    NOPE! Although it would help us out if you can RSVP. If you want to donate ahead of time to the cost of putting on the event, that will help 100% of the proceeds go towards the building fund. But there is ZERO cost to attend, and no obligation to spend money. We will reiterate however, that we have seen a preview of some of the baking that will be auctioned off and you will likely be tempted to the point of questioning 1 Corinthians 10:13.

  • How can I be involved in the Talent Show?

    Just sign up! Signing up won’t necessarily guarantee everyone a spot, as time and space are limited, but we will do our best to fit as many people as possible. If you aren’t sure about whether your particular talent is a good fit for the event, just ask! We’ll be honest! (Also, if your talent is juggling knives or something like that, we’ll probably have some follow-up questions first).

  • What will the other parts of the evening look like? The Auction etc?

    We are asking people to donate three different kinds of items. They will be auctioned off through both the live auction portion of the evening as well as some silent auctions.

    We are looking for....
    1. Art!
    - Are you an artist? Have you done a painting, pottery, or woodwork you can donate?

    2. Baking: - Can you make a fancy cake, a delicious pie, or incredible cookies? You can donate something you’ve made, OR you can donate a future item, like a birthday cake for the auction winner or doing Christmas baking for them.

    3. Service: Can you DO something for someone? Are you amazing at taxes, a professional plumber, or something else useful or fun? You can donate a service for people to win.

    4. Gifts: Lastly if you have an item you would like to donate you can do that too. It can be tickets to a show, or a gift-card to a restaurant your aunt gave you without realizing you are allergic to their food. (No used items please.)

  • Who can come?

    Come one, come all! Invite your friends and neighbors! It will be a fun night out for everyone!